
She is woman of great intellect, humor, strength, confidence, deprecation, obsession and inspiration. She is capable of great kindness and at the same time she is capable of stubborn combustible fire. I have no idea what she will displaying in her upcoming work. What I do know is that she won't be installing an art installation. She will be installing her soul.

~ Tom Mosser, artist

Mekala is a passionate, hot blooded, energetic and intense woman. In her art and her life, she dives in with full force! She belly laughs through her soul.

~ Mara Rago, photographer

M.M. Frangos is wicked smart. She does everything big. (It was no Fiat that T-Boned her, but a Truck.) She's fearsome with a big heart.

~ Jennifer Lee, writer

Mekala was a sculpture student of mine; I clearly recall the enthusiastic creative spirit she poured into her work. She pursued business projects in which she was successful in developing, applying her concepts of her art in buildings and interiors of homes. With the passing of time, she still holds the passion and dedication to her art to bring it into a tangible visual experience. As an artist creates a space and form, it becomes compelling to share concepts, images and experiences with friends and artists. It is precisely in this world of compassion to her art that Mekala is admired by her patrons.

~ Peter Calaboyias, international sculptor

M.M. Frangos creates with unflinching passion, wit and intelligence. Though I may be able to leap over her, without a runner start, her size shouldn’t fool anyone. She is big, bold and whether by expression, in conversation or noticing her as she works a room, M.M. is hard to not pay attention to. She has the fire to execute her art, a humble heart and gifted with a confidence to be brave. I always look forward to her presence be it artistically, intellectually or socially.

~ Paco Mahone, writer/musician/yoga teacher

Last year I woke up on Christmas Day to walk my dog at the nearby park, as I do every morning. As if Santa’s elves unleashed onto the park, all the once bare tree branches were dangling with Milk Bones attached by white ribbons to the trees. It was a sea of once stark tree branches dancing with big Milk Bones. I later learned it was my neighbor, none other than MMF, who stealthy did this the night before. She said she wanted the neighborhood dogs to know they weren’t forgotten by Santa. This is classic Frangos. Her art is to give voice to those who are voiceless.

~ Christopher Ingham, Vintage & Pin-Up Collage Art


Mekala brings a unique cocktail of drive, energy, creativity and intellect to any project she gets into, from real estate, to art or yoga. That allows her to move within, think through and see beyond most others.

~ Francisco Veloso, PhD - Dean at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

M. M. Frangos is one of the most creative and passionate people that I have ever had the privilege of knowing. She has the true eye of an artist, but with the added bonus of a highly intellectual mind. This duality of approaches is what makes every encounter with her fascinating - she has the ability think analytically about an issue, but at the same time she is able to understand and capture the emotional sensitivities around it. She uses this duality in her artistry - she can use her intelligence like a marketing executive to draw the viewer into the work, and then has the ability to immerse them in it to allow their senses to see, hear, feel, think about, and connect with it on a totally different level.

~ Victoria Hill, PhD - Founder and Research Scientist at Numeritics

Frangos is a compassionate animal lover which is evident in her careful examination in the lived experience of all beings. She is a large creative force in a small package, and bursting with entrepreneurial furor. She is obsessed with creative expression and pays tireless attention to details.

~ Robert C. Hampshire, PhD - Research Professor, University of Michigan

Policy Makers

If you never have a dream, you never have a dream come true.' Ms. Frangos facilitates dreams becoming realities.

~ David P. Michaels, President of the Foreign Press Association

Michelle and I have been friends for years, and there are few people I know who share her combustible elements of vision, tenacity and goodwill. When she puts that into her art, you better have your seat belt on.

~ Mayor William Peduto

"How do you want to be on the water? Do you want to be removed on a yacht or feel every wave on a surf board? I wish to submerge myself in life, in art and ride every wave."
~ m M. Frangos


m M Frangos is wildly creative. Her work demonstrates her sense of beauty, art, intellect and wit.

~ Manny Reich, M.D and avid patron of the arts

I am at a loss to simply describe Ms. Frangos in a few words. Ms. Frangos is a personality and presence that must be experienced to be understood and appreciated.

~ Jason Greenwald, Esq

I have known m. M Frangos for 20 years as a business person and friend. She is a smart, beautiful, tough woman with a raw appeal. She combines the grace of a thoroughbred with serious intellectual heft. The art world will be the better with her determined presence.

~ Fred Shaffer - Saiko Investment Corp

I can’t think of a more driven, passionate, tough-as-nails-with-a-heart-of-gold type of person than Michelle. She leads with her heart and follows it up with incredible drive and business savvy. If Michelle decides she going to do something, consider it done.

~ Kathleen Beaver, Chief Operating Officer of Animal Friends, 501 c 3

MMF is a dynamic innovator, willing to push to the precipice in the name of creativity. She also demonstrates an incredible resilience, able to pick herself up and climb back, should she fall over that edge.

~ Stuart Horne, AIA of Siegel, Solow & Horne

Athletics Health and Wellness

Mekala's practice is strong and elegant. She moves with a lightness and ease that is poetry in motion.

~ LA Finfinger, yoga teacher & writer

M.M. Frangos has been my yoga student at SHPY since 2007 and it has been a true pleasure to watch her practice evolve over the years. Every time she steps onto her mat, she sincerely searches for her edge while honoring the present moment making her practice a physical expression of her artistic nature.

~ Stacey Vespaziani, yoga teacher and owner of SHPY

To know her is to know an open mind and an open heart. But it’s her commitment to health, wellness, yoga and veganism that indicates one thing—she is “the real deal”. She doesn’t talk the talk, she walks the walk. Mekala is an example of not just discipline and commitment when things are going swimmingly but is an example of dedication to return from injury, from the wrath of excruciating physical trauma and to come back stronger, harder, faster, sharper. I witnessed this myself--a Phoenix Rising. This is a gal who pulls herself up by the bootstraps. When she has something to say, as she does as an artist, my advice to the art world is to ‘perk up’!

~ Cindy Mc Cormick, BS, LMT, NCTMB

Mekala approaches health and well-being with the same creativity, passion, and commitment that she brings to everything. She was an active member of our local food co-op long before organic food was cool. She is the kind of woman who bestows cachet on the things she loves simply because she loves them.

~ Deborah Gouge, writer and editor